Карта домовладельца Andrea - Flatio
как арендатор как домовладелец как F4B
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Andrea J.
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Обо мне
Dear guests, we are offering you our flat which was made for us - in the design and practical way of life we like. The biggest advantage of this flat is its terrace, view into the nature and the main idea of it which is EVERYTHING YOU NEED ON 34M2. Nowadays we live with our big family one hour from Prague, that´s why you can rent it as long as you want. Don´t be hesitate to ask for any details.
Интересы и увлечения
Me and my husband we love travelling, winter and summer sports as skiing, biking, swimming, diving, running. The most valuable time is for us spending time with our family. We love good films, good books, good food and good wine :)

Последний раз в сети
5 months
Регистрация на Flatio
Июль 2018

Andrea является проверенным домовладельцем.
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