Карта домовладельца Nina - Flatio
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Nina H.
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Обо мне
Hey guys, I am Nina, a digital nomad myself. I work came to Madeira working remotely and for the beautiful nature, the hikes and the weather. I've been living in many Colivings before I launched my own Coliving which I also lived in. I love to bring people together, show them beautiful places and connect them with other like-minded folks here on the island. I am excited to host and introduce you to many cool places, people and events!
Интересы и увлечения
Our favourite hobby here on the island is sketchy hiking! Apart from that, I love yoga, traveling, running, socialising, playing boardgames, reading books, cooking healthy food, attending social events, going to good coffee shops and much more. Best is to ask me and do some of these activities together 🥳

Последний раз в сети
2 months
Регистрация на Flatio
Январь 2024

Nina является проверенным домовладельцем.
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