Карта домовладельца Toni - Flatio
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Toni P.
Опатия, Бале
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Обо мне
Hello! My name is Toni and together with my partner Marija, we are now a third generation of hosts in a family which has been welcoming guests for around 40 years now. We take great pride in and enjoy making our guests' stay as comfortable as possible so you can enjoy a wonderful time at our properties. If you have any questions or need any help, you can reach me easily when needed.
Интересы и увлечения
I am a history lover primarily, but also enjoy art and architecture, as well as traveling - so I am always on the hunt for good destinations to explore and great exhibitions to visit.

Последний раз в сети
1 month
Регистрация на Flatio
Сентябрь 2024

Toni является проверенным домовладельцем.
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