Карта домовладельца Ivana - Flatio
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Ivana R.
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Cozy romantic apartment near city centre

Оценено: 05.08.2024 Length of stay: 1 month


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Stas K.

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Cozy romantic apartment near city centre

Оценено: 29.06.2024 Length of stay: 1 month

Ivana was lovely and super communicative.
The flat was perfect, was shockingly cool temperature despite how hot the summer weather was so totally perfect!

The flat is well equipped with everything you might need, and is located in a lovely part of Prague very safe with lots of cafes and restaurants around as well as grocery stores. I would happily stay again and recommend to others :)

Very artistic, trendy and cute

Recommended places nearby
Etapa!!! Amazing coffee and food was very tasty and reasonably priced (especially given the quality)

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Kamila C.

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Cozy romantic apartment near city centre

Оценено: 22.04.2024 Length of stay: 2 months

vše skvěle klaplo

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Simona V.

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Cozy romantic apartment near city centre

Оценено: 27.12.2023 Length of stay: 22 days

Nice little apartment, as described and handy for amenities

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Maureen H.

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Cozy romantic apartment near city centre

Оценено: 18.10.2023 Length of stay: 20 days

Být malý, ale útulný. Skvělá lokalita. Dohoda s majitelkou bez problému.

Moc hezká čtvrť plná kaváren a obchůdků a zajímavé architektury

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Lenka B.

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Cozy romantic apartment near city centre

Оценено: 30.09.2023 Length of stay: 15 days

Excellent accommodation option in Prague. I highly recommend

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Artem S.

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Cozy romantic apartment near city centre

Оценено: 28.08.2023 Length of stay: 3 months

Everything was fine!

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Andrii P.

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Cozy romantic apartment near city centre

Оценено: 17.01.2023 Length of stay: 2 months

Lovely apartment and historic building on a quiet street — and across the street, Karlin Yoga.

Recommended places nearby
Lots of good spots for coffee, or dinner. Veltlin and Eska are special. Etapa and Muj Salek Kavy also. If you like yoga, don’t miss Karlín Yoga.

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Elisabeth W.

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Cozy romantic apartment near city centre

Оценено: 13.11.2022 Length of stay: 1 month

Cozy and clean flat in an excellent location; no communication issues with the owner.

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Anton A.

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Cozy romantic apartment near city centre

Оценено: 06.08.2022 Length of stay: 4 months

Ivana is a great landlady. Very responsive and so flexible.

Karlin is a lovely neighborhood. Green and quiet but with excellent links into Old Town and the other pets of the city. Lots of cafes and shops nearby within easy walking distance or only a couple stops on the tram.

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Emily P.

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Cozy romantic apartment near city centre

Оценено: 21.03.2022 Length of stay: 21 day

Very pleasant stay. House was clean, no problem with anything. The owner was responding very quickly.

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Hana P.

Neighborhood safety not rated
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Cozy romantic apartment near city centre

Оценено: 31.12.2020 Length of stay: 5 months

U Ivany v Karlínském bytě jsem bydlela přes půl roku a byla jsem maximálně spokojená. Ivana byla vždy na příjmu, když jsem něco potřebovala a byla vždy moc milá. Když bylo potřeba něco spravit, vždy vše zařídila co nejrychleji to šlo. Byt je pěkný a útulný, kolem je spousta restaurací, obchodů a pěšky je to na tramvaj asi 4 minuty.

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Maria M.

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Cozy romantic apartment near city centre

Оценено: 05.02.2020 Length of stay: 1 month

Skvělé bydlení v pěkné a atraktivní části Karlína. V okolí množství restaurací, hospod a kaváren, ale přesto velmi klidné místo (výhled do vnitrobloku). Malý útulný byt se vším co potřebujete a pouze 5 min. na metro.

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Richard T.

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Spolehlivá, důsledná a zodpovědná, Ivanka je skvělý majitel nádherného bytu v Praze. Neváhejte ji kontaktovat a vyzkoušejte útulnost jejího bytu na vlastní kůži. Nebudete litovat!
Обо мне
Jmenuji se Ivana a pocházím z Prahy. Jsem bývalá letuška, miluji cestování do nových destinací a proto i nadále pracuji v letectví. Poprvé nabízím k pronájmu svůj byt. Těším se na společné setkání až vás provedu vaším novým dočasným domovem :) My name is Ivana and I come from Prague. I am a former cabin crew who has traveled the world and continuously enjoys exploring new places. That is why I still work in aviation. This is my first time to rent out my place. I am excited to meet you and show you around in your new temporary home :)
Интересы и увлечения
S přítelem jsme se sestěhovali do většího, proto je nyní můj byt k dispozici. Momentálně mě nejvíce baví renovace nového bytu a interiérový design. Zajímám se o módu a vše estetické :) I have moved in to a new place with my boyfriend that is why my place is now available. Currently I enjoy renovation of the new place and interior design in general. I´m also into fashion and esthetics :)

Последний раз в сети
17 hours
Регистрация на Flatio
Сентябрь 2019

Ivana является проверенным домовладельцем.
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