Карта домовладельца Jiří - Flatio
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Landlords profile photo
Jiří K.
Neighborhood hero
Experienced host
Neighborhood hero
Experienced host
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Непроверенные предложения 3
New studio between airport and city centre
New studio between airport and city centre
New studio between airport and city centre
New studio between airport and city centre
New studio between airport and city centre
New studio between airport and city centre
New studio between airport and city centre
New studio between airport and city centre
New studio between airport and city centre
New studio between airport and city centre
New studio between airport and city centre
New studio between airport and city centre
New studio between airport and city centre
StayProtection + Stay Benefits
14. 1. - 18. 1. (5 days)
60  / night
Все коммунальные услуги включены
Studio near Divoká Šárka
Studio near Divoká Šárka
Studio near Divoká Šárka
Studio near Divoká Šárka
Studio near Divoká Šárka
Studio near Divoká Šárka
StayProtection + Stay Benefits
7. 5. - 11. 5. (5 days)
17  / night
Все коммунальные услуги включены
2kk Divoká Šárka
2kk Divoká Šárka
2kk Divoká Šárka
2kk Divoká Šárka
2kk Divoká Šárka
2kk Divoká Šárka
2kk Divoká Šárka
2kk Divoká Šárka
2kk Divoká Šárka
2kk Divoká Šárka
StayProtection + Stay Benefits
6. 2. - 10. 2. (5 days)
56  / night
Все коммунальные услуги включены
Обо мне
Jmenuji se Jirka, aktuálně pobývám v Praze, kde studuji a podnikám, ale původem jsem ze Severu Čech.
Интересы и увлечения
Co se sportu týče, věnuji se horolezectví, jízdě na kole a příležitostně chodím běhat. Z ostatních zálib pak četbě.

Последний раз в сети
18 hours
Регистрация на Flatio
Август 2017

Jiří является проверенным домовладельцем.
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