Карта домовладельца Coimbra - Flatio
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Coimbra M.
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Stay next to the University of Coimbra
Stay next to the University of Coimbra
Stay next to the University of Coimbra
Stay next to the University of Coimbra
Stay next to the University of Coimbra
Stay next to the University of Coimbra
Stay next to the University of Coimbra
Stay next to the University of Coimbra
Stay next to the University of Coimbra
Stay next to the University of Coimbra
Stay next to the University of Coimbra
Stay next to the University of Coimbra
Stay next to the University of Coimbra
Stay next to the University of Coimbra
Stay next to the University of Coimbra
Stay next to the University of Coimbra
Stay next to the University of Coimbra
Stay next to the University of Coimbra
Stay next to the University of Coimbra
Stay next to the University of Coimbra
11. 1. - 15. 1. (5 days)
100  / night
Все коммунальные услуги включены
Обо мне
Coimbra Monumentais são unidades de alojamento situadas mesmo ao lado da entrada principal da Universidade de Coimbra, património histórico e cultural da Humanidade.

Последний раз в сети
25 days
Регистрация на Flatio
Апрель 2024

Coimbra является проверенным домовладельцем.
Что это значит?