Карта домовладельца Zoltan - Flatio
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Landlords profile photo
Zoltan K.
Neighborhood hero
Experienced host
Будапешт, Балатонфюред
Neighborhood hero
Experienced host
Показать краткую биографию
Непроверенные предложения 2
Sunny flat in the centre of Buda
Sunny flat in the centre of Buda
Sunny flat in the centre of Buda
Sunny flat in the centre of Buda
Sunny flat in the centre of Buda
Sunny flat in the centre of Buda
Sunny flat in the centre of Buda
Sunny flat in the centre of Buda
Sunny flat in the centre of Buda
Sunny flat in the centre of Buda
Sunny flat in the centre of Buda
Sunny flat in the centre of Buda
Sunny flat in the centre of Buda
Sunny flat in the centre of Buda
Sunny flat in the centre of Buda
Sunny flat in the centre of Buda
StayProtection + Stay Benefits Guest-Verified
22. 1. - 26. 1. (5 days)
33  / night
Все коммунальные услуги включены
House at Lake Balaton
House at Lake Balaton
House at Lake Balaton
House at Lake Balaton
House at Lake Balaton
House at Lake Balaton
House at Lake Balaton
House at Lake Balaton
House at Lake Balaton
House at Lake Balaton
House at Lake Balaton
StayProtection + Stay Benefits Guest-Verified
12. 5. - 10. 6. (30 days)
23  / night
Все коммунальные услуги включены
Обо мне
I planned the renovation of the Buda apartment, the equipment is partly modern and partly antique. This duality gives its charm. The apartment is next to my office. A budai lakás felújítását én terveztem meg, a berendezés részben modern, részben antik. Ez a kettősség adja a báját. A lakás az irodám szomszédságában van.
Интересы и увлечения
I'm an architect, and I have a lot of books about it too. I love cycling, and I'm interested in the arts. Az építészet a munkám, sok könyvem van erről is. Szeretek biciklizni, érdekelnek a művészetek.

Последний раз в сети
1 hour
Регистрация на Flatio
Ноябрь 2021

Zoltan является проверенным домовладельцем.
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