Flatio - Дом на пару месяцев
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Read all reviews of Flatio from tenants and landlords or make your own experience. It's safe and easy.

Jiří T. Landlord
Klient nemel presnou adresu.
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16.05.2019 Прага
Anne-Francoise B. Tenant
Jeste jsem cely sluzby nevyskousila. Jak to mam celkem hodnotit? Anne Blücher
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22.03.2018 Прага
Kwang-Chun P. Tenant
we were in general satisfied
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05.05.2019 Брно
Krystian K. Landlord
You should improve your payment service. I was waiting a long time before you paid me my rent. Too often I had to complain to be paid. I questions if I decide to rent through Flatio again. Except that everything was perfect so consider improving your payment service.
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03.05.2019 Варшава
Samuele G. Tenant
Too few apartments, and already rented in my desired period
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24.03.2019 Братислава
Zihara G. Tenant
Refound my money back.
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29.04.2019 Прага
Valgeir V. Tenant
This is a bit early to be asking my opinion on your service in general. I haven't really used your service yet -- just sent a booking request. If you want to ask about the booking process then you should be more specific. The search and booking processes are 100% by the way. Very good.
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23.01.2019 Прага
Daniel N. Tenant
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15.04.2019 Прага
Tamara P. Tenant
El contrato es muy defectuoso
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05.04.2019 Прага
Sina C. Tenant
Service fee is too expensive.
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24.01.2019 Будапешт
Bryce B. Tenant
Not enough low cost options.
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02.04.2019 Вена
Pavla L. Tenant
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01.04.2019 Прага
Shafraz C. Tenant
It's too early to tell.
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01.04.2019 Братислава
Alberto M. Tenant
Because I expected you to offer me this property as backup of my previous attempted reservation. Actually you have tried to upsell, instead of provide help and guidance.
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27.03.2019 Прага
Jaroslav J. Tenant
Any experience yet 😑
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06.02.2019 Карловы Вары
Carolyn M. Tenant
I just haven't worked with your platform enough to know for sure!
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20.03.2019 Прага
Da. K. Landlord
Výpadek komunikačního systému. Ve všední den se dopoledne nedalo dlouhé hodiny dovolat. Neúměrné zadržování peněz při pronájmu na 14 dní.
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17.03.2019 Брно
Tomáš K. Tenant
Nejsem nespokojen. Nemám žádný názor. Jak se můžete ptát na spokojenost, když ještě k žádnému pronájmu nedošlo?
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22.02.2019 Прага
Linda Č. Tenant
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09.03.2019 Прага
Katerina C. Tenant
nedava moc informaci ohledne bydleni, ani kontakt s majitelem. Platit prvni najem ihned po rezervaci, i kdyz nemam ani zadne poradne informce, se mi zda trochu moc.
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05.03.2019 Прага
Simone F. Tenant
Not clear how people accept my request
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05.03.2019 Братислава
Geoffroy B. Tenant
Please include all your fees at the very beginning. thanks.
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01.03.2019 Прага
Edina H. Tenant
Olcsóbbat keresek
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19.02.2019 Вена
Kateřina P. Tenant
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18.02.2019 Прага