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Adrienne Z. Tenant
need promotions for flats
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19.11.2023 Будапешт
Daniel S. Tenant
I don’t like the set up with payments as they are. I rented the flat for all of one month and part of the next. I paid rent for the full and then the partial the next month. Due to my working situation, I decided to take another month (same as previous, the whole month and part of the next). The app and code didn’t recognize that I had already paid the partial month and I was asked to pay the full again. When I brought this to their attention, they reduced the rent by their fee amount, which was accommodating, but they still have the problem. They swear there isn’t a problem and didn’t even wish to understand what I was pointing out. They were very nice in the correspondence, but without some review with their development team, I wouldn’t trust the app again.
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18.11.2023 Прага
Andrew P. Landlord
I still find the bookings process so annoying. People reserve and don't pay, I have to follow up. One flat I have doesn't get bookings - it could be clever to make recommendation to change something about a listing to get it booked based on the data you see e.g. is the price to high?
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16.11.2023 Прага
Ian M. Tenant
Both of the recent reservations that I tried to make were rejected because the stays were too short (5 nights in Porto, 7 nights in Lisbon), and the landlords did not know that they had to set the minimum stay length above your default of 5. (You should make the minimum stay a required field during their onboarding!) I have already booked flights, so it's stressful to have rejections like this. I'll still try to use flatio because I love what you're trying to do, but it would be difficult for me to recommend it to others right now as the uncertainty is a big issue.
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13.11.2023 Порту
Tomáš V. Landlord
uprava ceny najemneho pri sleve pro dlouhodobe ubytovani je po vytvoreni smlouvy dost bolestiva. Viz tickety ktere jsem musel vytvorit aby se upravena cena propsala do Vasich systemu.
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07.11.2023 Прага
Abdalla E. Tenant
The service was good, just if I could pay directly in the app without the extra money that would be cool
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20.11.2023 Брно
James B. Tenant
Communication is stilted and not complete. With so many apartments that are being reviewed it would be helpful to have complete answers, not anything abbreviated that adds to confusion.
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07.11.2023 Барселона
Geethashree J. Tenant
Response time and clarity. Chasing for a response is not a good feeling a user would want. I still reserved the place with you because I like the property and do not want to miss out on it. But that said, your service with it will add value.
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07.11.2023 Порту
Luis D. Tenant
No payment via Mastercard
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06.11.2023 Прага
Alessia D. Tenant
It's not that I am dissatisfied. It's just that it is my first experience here and I have not really exploited the platform yet. I will be able to give better feedback, and hopefully for all of us a better rating, after moving in and experiencing the real service. I am just cautious for now.
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17.07.2023 Лас-Пальмас-де-Гран-Канария
Berti D. Landlord
1. Decrease the 15% service charge imposed on rates to tenants. With the 9% commission together, it's the industry's highest 2. Don't block the property calendar in case of a new reservation request until the Tenant hasn't paid. In many cases they don't finish the reservation and our calendar was blocked for 24 hours without any refund
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02.11.2023 Будапешт
Conor O. Tenant
Flatio should take more care to check out or examine an apartment that is listed on their site. The previous apartment I rented was filthy. Photos alone don’t tell the real story. Also, you charge for days not nights. I rented two places back to back and it resulted in my having to pay for another night to bridge between the two rentals. I found that to be very unsatisfactory
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01.11.2023 Palafrugell
Jon S. Landlord
Reduce or eliminate the commission charged to the landlord. We are providing you with the product, therefore without us you wouldnt have a business. Charge the commission only to the tenant
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01.11.2023 Lagos
Otakar Z. Tenant
This is the only experience I have with Flatio. The compensation for the problems was not adequate. The offered me some voucher for the furture accomodation, but they know that I will not use it anyway.
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27.10.2023 Прага
Abbas M. Tenant
Airbnb refunds all the payments, but you don't or give as vouchers!
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27.10.2023 Santo António dos Cavaleiros
Mariia K. Tenant
Поддержка работает хорошо, но ждать сутки в критических ситуациях для ответа - очень долго, особенно, если арендодатель просто не выходит на связь или заселяет не туда, а вы все оплатили заранее еще и внесли депозит.
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09.10.2023 Salou
John P. Tenant
I don't understand how it works! I am hoping that the owner now gets in touch with me!
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26.10.2023 Лиссабон
Alex G. Tenant
It's hard to give a rating before I am even able to book an apartment.
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22.08.2023 Лиссабон
Tobias F. Tenant
the site is a bit slow
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22.10.2023 Валенсия
John K. Tenant
Insgesamt zu kompliziert, ein langer sehr juristisch anmutender Vertrag, die vollen Kosten sind zu Beginn nicht transparent, erst im letzten Moment des Buchungsvorgangs, die Reinigung des Apartments war nicht inkludiert, was für Feriengäste ein "Must" ist... das geht über andere Plattformen leichter...
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18.10.2023 Cascais
Bori H. Tenant
Not pleased at all, the landlord just kept promising things, flatio offered a discount voucher. I would need a refund and much better promises (like finding me another place if my current one is not good enough) to change my mind dabout the company.
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24.09.2023 Будапешт
Andrew P. Landlord
I’d like to get confirmation of payment as soon as reservation made. Inbound emails don’t result in bookings. Not enough certainty month to month to make this better than full time renting
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16.10.2023 Прага
Terry G. Tenant
We haven’t booked anything yet
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16.10.2023 Фуншал
Michał P. Tenant
Too pricey
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15.10.2023 Прага