Flatio - ежемесячная аренда с человеческим отношением
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Read all reviews of Flatio from tenants and landlords or make your own experience. It's safe and easy.

Thomas S. Tenant
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24.06.2023 Luz
Marija J. Tenant
I like the mist that i fell like home, i do not like hotels
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24.06.2023 Прага
Roland H. Tenant
A képek alapján igényes tiszta a szállás, így nyugodtan érdeklődöm ezután.
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24.06.2023 Будапешт
Nicholas R. Tenant
Very good
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22.06.2023 Guia
Andrei K. Tenant
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23.06.2023 Фуншал
Melissa W. Tenant
So far so good. This survey is a little premature because I haven't complete a booking yet.
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23.06.2023 Прага
Andrei K. Tenant
Reliability of service
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27.01.2022 Фуншал
Dominik K. Tenant
Je málo společností, které se zabývají střednědobými pronájmy.
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23.06.2023 Прага
Franciska N. Tenant
I really liked that I had a phone number that I could call 24/7 in case of any issues, that made me feel assured that I will not be left alone in case I have any problems during my stay. The contract was also short and easily readable which made me feel confident that I know what I am getting myself into and that this is not a scam.
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22.06.2023 Барселона
Tereza H. Tenant
Jsem velice spokojená. Veškeré informace včas a bezchybné.
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06.07.2023 Прага
Melinda G. Tenant
much better than Airbnb, closer to locals
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22.06.2023 Будапешт
Anna M. Tenant
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22.06.2023 Figueira da Foz
Diego S. Tenant
It's pretty awesome - I wish spain would allow smaller stays like 2 weeks but Flatio has always been great.
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21.06.2023 Барселона
Diego S. Tenant
Monthly rentals with a contract, always great customer support, and nice landlords and accommodations. The free cancellations in case of issues are great too.
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09.05.2023 Барселона
Lajos H. Tenant
A precizitás
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21.06.2023 Будапешт
Cynthia P. Tenant
Great way to find great apts and lofts in lisbon.
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21.06.2023 Лиссабон
Halina O. Landlord
I would like you to promote your service wider as so many people do not know about flatio and this would help us to gain new clients. Thank you!
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20.06.2023 Варшава
Katerina G. Tenant
Potěšil mě hladký průběh, komunikace a upozornění na platby, na termín předání bytu, na co si dát pozor apod.
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19.06.2023 Прага
Marine C. Tenant
The payment is a bit strange for me and it was a little complicated but you can have an answer quickly for your questions.
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20.06.2023 Брно
Michael M. Tenant
flatio was easy to work with and the owners were friendly and attentive to my requests.
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20.06.2023 Брно
Fabian T. Tenant
Nice apartments
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20.06.2023 Будапешт
Jan-Georg S. Landlord
I am very happy with the Flatio business model: maintaining a good website, setting up good contracts, sending reminders, but not offering extensive services such as in-place visits that would necessarily drive up the cost. There is one thing I am missing: it would be great if I could set the currency to euro (and all money would be handled via euro accounts) or KC depending on who is my tenant. This could reduce currency exchange expenses
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19.06.2023 Прага
Zuzana S. Landlord
Nastavení času min. rezervace dle data range (např. pokud mám mezeru mezi nájemci, jsem ok s 5 dny, ale nerada bych v měla v měsíci 6 nájemců. Naprosto nefungující zákaznický servis, nelze se dovolat někomu live. 24 hodin na odpověď je neakceptovatelné! Zaměstnanci jsou v pořádku, moc milí a nápomocní, ale samotné nastavení customer servisu je naprostá bída neodpovídající 21. století. Vina je na straně vedení.
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19.06.2023 Прага
Viera Š. Tenant
Výborne, rýchlo vybavené. Výhodou bola aj zľava, ktorú ste poskytli pri skoršom objednaní.
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31.05.2023 Прага