Карта домовладельца Maria Assunção - Flatio
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Maria Assunção C.
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Star Jasmin Little House

Оценено: 13.10.2023 Length of stay: 1 month

New design apartment, good location, 5*

tenant photo

Timur I.

Neighborhood safety
Services nearby
Public transport

Обо мне
I built this little house on a piece of land next to my house. In it, guests will be completely independent and comfortable since the studio has a direct door to the street and does not interfere with the main house. So this is the first time I'm going to rent. I hope guests feel comfortable and enjoy the area which is very quiet yet close to everything.
Интересы и увлечения
Interesso-me por jardinagem e gosto de cultivar os meus próprios vegetais e ervas aromáticas. Gosto de arquitetura e de remodelar imóveis. Pratico desporto e adoro passear de bicicleta até à praia do Guincho. Sou completamente adepta de novas tecnologias. Adoro animais, tenho um cão de raça Westie e três gatos

Последний раз в сети
10 days
Регистрация на Flatio
Июль 2023

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