Карта домовладельца Josef - Flatio
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Josef P.
Neighborhood hero
Experienced host
Šestajovice, Прага
Neighborhood hero
Experienced host
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4 + kk, loggia, Prague 10

Оценено: 04.07.2024 Length of stay: 3 months

All good any problems :)

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Ivan M.

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4 + kk, loggia, Prague 10

Оценено: 04.04.2024 Length of stay: 1 year

Marketa is always nice, available and welcomed us with easter decorations and some gifts in the flat. Every time there was a problem with the flat, she came as soon as possible to fix it.

A safe place full of nice Czech families. Children everywhere and good atmosphere.

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Monica P.

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4 + kk, loggia, Prague 10

Оценено: 11.03.2023 Length of stay: 12 months


Klienti se zdáli být zpočátku příjemní, o to větší šok nám způsobilo nejen jejich chování od momentu, kdy jsme požádali o uhrazení nedoplatku za elektřinu (např. jejich nedodržování domovního řádu), dále předčasný neohlášený útěk z bytu a spoušť, kterou za sebou zanechali. Jedna z klientek si dokonce odnesla část našeho vybavení, které nejenže nevrátila všechno, ale nebylo ani v původním stavu.

Lugar tranquilo.

Recommended places nearby
Ir a Lidl mejor que a Billa, los precios son más baratos

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Sergio Alberto C.

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Modulární dům

Оценено: 05.07.2022 Length of stay: 6 months

Naprosta spokojenost

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Vratislav M.

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4 + kk, loggia, Prague 10

Оценено: 21.12.2021 Length of stay: 3 months

Very good communications and house was ok.

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Konsta S.

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4 + kk, loggia, Prague 10

Оценено: 01.08.2021 Length of stay: 29 days

Arranging landlord, no problems.


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jerome s.

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4 + kk, loggia, Prague 10

Оценено: 14.06.2021 Length of stay: 2 months

Velice hezký světlý byt. Nově zrekonsruováno. Pečlivě uklizeno.

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Jana J.

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4 + kk, loggia, Prague 10

Оценено: 06.04.2021 Length of stay: 5 months

This is not the first time when wy have been renting this apartment. Super-equipped apartment located in a quiet area. Possibility of quick access to the city by-pass. Perfect cooperation such as 1kg model from Sevres.

Quiet housing estate, football field, Malesicky park equipped with great place for fitness activities.

Recommended places nearby
Malesicky park, Malesice castel.

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Jakub M.

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4 + kk, loggia, Prague 10

Оценено: 28.03.2020 Length of stay: 3 months

Very large, nice and very well equipped apartment.
The owner is very kind and helpful.
I highly recommend this apartment.

Quiet neighborhood, away from loud streets. Very close to the shop and bus stop.

Recommended places nearby
Very close to the restaurant / pub "Malešická tvrz"
Good beer and very tasty meals :)

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Bartosz D.

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4 + kk, loggia, Prague 10

Оценено: 26.12.2019 Length of stay: 3 months

Vivienda muy acogedora, amplia, buena calefacción y con mucha luz. Todo muy limpio y nuevo, y los propietarios de la casa muy atentos.

A quite place

Recommended places nearby
Billa (the súper market), teta (a cosmetic shop)

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Inés G.

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4 + kk, loggia, Prague 10

Оценено: 27.08.2019 Length of stay: 1 month

Very good and friendly contact with the owners. The apartment is very well equipped with all necessary equipment.
The flat is located in a very quiet area. It is located near the store, bus stop. Getting to the city center takes about 25 minutes.

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Barbara J.

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4 + kk, loggia, Prague 10

Оценено: 20.05.2019 Length of stay: 4 months

Perfect communication with owner, very good apartment

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Marcin C.

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4 + kk, loggia, Prague 10

Оценено: 14.08.2018 Length of stay: 1 month

krásné, klidné bydlení

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Milan S.

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4 + kk, loggia, Prague 10

Оценено: 30.06.2018 Length of stay: 2 months


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Alwena P.

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4 + kk, loggia, Prague 10

Оценено: 10.04.2018 Length of stay: 2 months

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Tomáš M.

Neighborhood safety not rated
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4 + kk, loggia, Prague 10

Оценено: 01.02.2018 Length of stay: 3 months

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Lídia P.

Neighborhood safety not rated
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Public transport not rated

Обо мне
Pronájem má na starost moje paní, v podobném oboru pracovala i v minulosti. Ráda bydlení zařizuje a udržuje ve vzorné kvalitě, stejně jako náš domov. Takže se u nás budete - doufáme - vždy dobře cítit. My wife is in charge of the renting, she used to work in a similiar field in the past. She likes to keep the accommodation in exemplary quality and enjoys taking care of it, just like our own home. Which is why we hope you will always feel good in our rents.
Интересы и увлечения
Rádi cestujeme, sportujeme - hlavně kolo, lyže, vodní sporty, turistika. Máme rádi dobré knihy, historii, přírodu, dobré jídlo, chodíme na různé koncerty, do galerií. We enjoy travelling, doing sports - especially bike, ski, water sports, turistics. We like good books, history, nature, good food, visit various concerts and galleries.

Последний раз в сети
7 days
Регистрация на Flatio
Сентябрь 2017

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