Карта домовладельца Jan - Flatio
как арендатор как домовладелец как F4B
Jan L.
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Apartment No.1 - Cozy small apartment

Оценено: 22.07.2024 Length of stay: 5 months

Good service!

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Elodie E.

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Flat 3+kk, Vančurova - Brno

Оценено: 13.01.2024 Length of stay: 4 months

Our family stayed in the apartment for 4 months. It was clean and cozy. The building and street were quiet, the neighborhood felt very safe; we could hear the tram and buses early in the morning with the window open but it was background noise we quickly got used to. The location was very convenient, with tram (#9) and several bus stops nearby. The connections were easy and offered a mix of city and nature. Travel to the beautiful city center on the #9 was ~10 min. End of the line on buses #55 & #58 offered nature and wonderful hikes/walks. Jan was very responsive and helpful; a great landlord. We enjoyed our stay in the apartment and Brno.

A quiet, tree-lined street (we were told it's one of the oldest in the Židenice district), with a mix of single homes and apartment buildings. Safe. At one end of the street, a nice restaurant serving a mix of Indian and Czech cuisines, a theater (Divadlo Bolka Polivki). A school and connection hub to trams/buses one street over. A skate park (Bzzzukot) with climbing wall and play structures further up on Táborská/Lišenská street. Lots of families out and about.

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Kat K.

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Flat 3+kk, Vančurova - Brno

Оценено: 25.08.2023 Length of stay: 15 days

Priestranný, veľmi dobre vybavený byt. Je podkrovný bez klimatizácie, takže počas horúcich dní je to trochu náročnejšie.

Pokojná štvrť, tichá ulica, dobrá MHD. V okolí len malé, ale dostatočne zásobené potraviny.

Recommended places nearby
Židovský hřbitov, skatepark Bzzukot, hostinec U Pantátů

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Daniel M.

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Flat 3+kk, Vančurova - Brno

Оценено: 12.03.2023 Length of stay: 1 month

Vše ok, domluva s panem majitelem na jedničku.

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Zuzana K.

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Apartment No.1 - Cozy small apartment

Оценено: 01.01.2023 Length of stay: 3 months

Very kind and nice owner. Definitely recommend it to anyone who wants to live in a quiet and beautiful neighborhood.
The apartment is clean and well-lit and has everything ready to just start living and enjoying Brno.

Quiet and safe neighborhood.

Recommended places nearby
If you want to taste pure Czech cuisine you should definitely try Kozlovna U Malchru, which is just 100 meters from the apartment.

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Valery C.

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Flat 3+kk, Vančurova - Brno

Оценено: 25.12.2022 Length of stay: 4 months

idealni "home away from home" v Brne

Pres blizkost hlavniho silnicniho tahu velice klidne misto. Pomerne ciste, sporadane sousedstvi s dobrym spojenim tramvaji do centra - 5 minut.

Recommended places nearby
Zidovsky hrbitov a park Akatky, Marianske udoli. Dobre vychozi misto pro vylet na kole nebo autem do Moravskeho krasu - Macocha a Punkevni jeskyne.

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Martin D.

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Flat 3+kk, Vančurova - Brno

Оценено: 02.07.2022 Length of stay: 26 days

Krasny byt velmi vhodny pro vytvoreni domova mimo domov. Vse vypada ve skutecnosti tak jako na fotografiich.

geograficky centralni cast mesta mimo nejvetsi dopravni ruch

Recommended places nearby
Krome centra mesta, ktere je jen nekolik minut tramvaji je v dosahu prochazky lesopark Akatky, Zidovsky hrbitov a na kole Marianske udoli, cyklotrtasy v lese nad lomem a zacatek Moravskeho krasu.

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Martin D.

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Apartment No.1 - Cozy small apartment

Оценено: 27.06.2022 Length of stay: 25 days

Near perfect, the fan have a little issues and make strange sound except that it's perfect.

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Julien L.

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Flat 3+kk, Vančurova - Brno

Оценено: 05.06.2022 Length of stay: 9 months

Excelente trato y el piso es muy bueno calidad-precio.


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Raúl D.

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Apartment No.1 - Cozy small apartment

Оценено: 16.01.2022 Length of stay: 3 months

He is very kind man. I do not have any problem with him. He is an excellent owner.

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Omid S.

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Flat 3+kk, Vančurova - Brno

Оценено: 01.10.2021 Length of stay: 20 days

The apartment is super nice and good service from landlord. Can recommend this apartment

Is a very calm neighborhood

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Patrik L.

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Flat 3+kk, Vančurova - Brno

Оценено: 07.08.2021 Length of stay: 26 days

Příjemný člověk.

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Vít M.

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Flat 3+kk, Vančurova - Brno

Оценено: 30.07.2021 Length of stay: 1 month

Pohoda hlídal si svoje

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Miroslav B.

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Apartment in the attic, Židenice, Brno

Оценено: 22.10.2020 Length of stay: 2 months

Vynikající komunikace s majitelem, byt je velice útulný, příjemně zařízený a dobře vybavený. Doporučuji.

Klidné prostředí, které je velice snadno dostupné hromadnou dopravou z centra.

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Marek V.

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Apartment No.1 - Cozy small apartment

Оценено: 04.08.2020 Length of stay: 2 months

Útulné bydlení v rodinném domě s příjemnými majiteli na klidné ulici. Můžu jen doporučit!

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Marek K.

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Apartment No.1 - Cozy small apartment

Оценено: 01.04.2020 Length of stay: 2 months

Ubytování je klidne, ciste a prostorne

V blízkosti ubytování je restaurace a nedaleko je Tesco, dále je cca 200m autobusová zastávka MHD.

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Michal L.

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Flat 3+kk, Vančurova - Brno

Оценено: 19.02.2020 Length of stay: 15 days

this is a nice house located in a good location, specious, full furnished with all the necessary equipment's. Owner is so kind and always cooperated whenever we need his help.

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Sonu J.

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Flat 3+kk, Vančurova - Brno

Оценено: 13.01.2020 Length of stay: 4 months

Byvánie bolo skvelé, škoda ceny.


Recommended places nearby
Kostol sv. Cyrila a Metoda (5 minút peši)

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Adrián L.

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Flat 3+kk, Vančurova - Brno

Оценено: 11.08.2019 Length of stay: 1 month

Excellent location one block from tram and reataurants, spacious and confortable.
Take one tram straight to the old town.

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Jesus P.

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Flat 3+kk, Vančurova - Brno

Оценено: 05.03.2019 Length of stay: 28 days

The flat is very cute and is very well comunicarse with the city.
We have been very confortable.

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Amparo M.

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Flat 3+kk, Vančurova - Brno

Оценено: 22.10.2018 Length of stay: 16 days

Velmi tichá lokalita , pohodlné a pěkné ubytování. Dobrá domluva s majitelem.

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Kateřina B.

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Flat 3+kk, Vančurova - Brno

Оценено: 20.08.2018 Length of stay: 1 month

Moc se nám tam líbilo! Děkuji.

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Mira M.

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Flat 3+kk, Vančurova - Brno

Оценено: 21.12.2017 Length of stay: 20 days

Very nice place to stay, it was big with a good design and furniture, cozy home. Would definitely recommend and it was also my favorite place from flatio at the time of searching.

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Diego S.

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Flat 3+kk, Vančurova - Brno

Оценено: 04.12.2017 Length of stay: 2 months

Bydlení moc pěkné a plně vybavené. Možnost úklidu 1x týdně. Majitelé bydlí v domě, což přišlo vhod při zapomenutí klíčů, také check-in bylo možné uskutečnit dle domluvy. Jen v bytě bylo trochu chladněji (na poměry cizince z Asie), jinak uspokojivý pobyt.

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Michal N.

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Flat 3+kk, Vančurova - Brno

Оценено: 03.08.2017 Length of stay: 1 month

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Jan K.

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Июнь 2016

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