Карта домовладельца Jan - Flatio
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Jan P.
Experienced host
Experienced host
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Lovely 3 bed-room flat near the beach

Оценено: 05.03.2023 Length of stay: 1 month

Jan was an excellent landlord throughout our stay. He responded promptly if I had any questions/concerns. I would highly recommended him.

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Eric B.

Neighborhood safety
Services nearby
Public transport

Обо мне
Hi, we are Jan and Cary and we are very much excited to host you in our appartment. We like travelling, outdoors, sports, museums, music and culture. We are here to make your stay in our appartment confortable and worth while. If you have any questions about living in Valencia or our flat please do let us know. We look forward to hosting you.

Последний раз в сети
2 months
Регистрация на Flatio
Декабрь 2021

Jan является проверенным домовладельцем.
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