Карта домовладельца Maya - Flatio
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Landlords profile photo
Maya _.
Neighborhood hero
Experienced host
Neighborhood hero
Experienced host
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Обо мне
Hi there :) The world is exciting, great homes can help to enjoy it more! We are from Budapest and also like traveling a lot. Meeting nice, new friends, gathering new experiences. We would like to help you to have the best time in Budapest. We love to meet new people so we welcome all of you with great friendship and care. Hope to see you soon!
Интересы и увлечения
I love travelling all around the world. Also sports like gym, pole fitness, aerobic are great fun :)

Последний раз в сети
5 days
Регистрация на Flatio
Октябярь 2019

Maya является проверенным домовладельцем.
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