I added my bank account, but I don't get any rentals from leases. What should I do? - Flatio
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Help Center Help for Hosts Payments I added my bank account, but I don't get any rentals from leases. What should I do?
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I added my bank account, but I don't get any rentals from leases. What should I do?

The article was updated on 10. 8. 2020.

It's all about your profile settings! Learn how to solve this issue and as soon as it's fixed, the payment will finally go through.

It may happen. Usually in a situation where you don't have a default account set up (a bank account for receiving rents from all of your listings). If you set up a rental routing from selected listings only, but you do not have a default account defined, newly added listings or those that have not been selected while setting up the rental routing will not be associated with any bank account and the rent from these listings will not be sent. In such a case, however, we will inform you by e-mail / SMS notifications, which will inform you of the absence of a bank account and ask you to add it - therefore, we recommend not ignoring these notifications, but following the instructions.

If the situation described above has occurred, you can:

  • add a new bank account, which you will set as the default (in the first step of the Add a bank account wizard, select the "From all my listings" routing),
  • add a new bank account, which you will link to the adequate listing(s) (in the first step of the wizard for Add a bank account, select the route "Only from selected listings"),
  • edit existing bank accounts to ensure that rents from the adequate listing(s) are forwarded to one of them (in the Bank account detail, in the Listings settings section, select routing according to your needs).

In any case, we recommend having one of your bank accounts set as the default one to ensure that your rents are forwarded if you don't have the listing associated with any particular bank account.

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