Help for Guests - Flatio
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Help for Guests

How Flatio works

What do I have to do to move into a selected rental accommodation?
All the basic information about the booking process on Flatio: See what needs to be done by each side for everything to become official!
Are rentals available on Flatio safe?
Wondering what Flatio does to ensure your safety throughout your whole rental experience? Find out our practices in this article!
How long are the leases I can find on Flatio?
Not sure about stay length limitations on Flatio? Even though we're focused on mid-term rentals, we allow all rental types! See the details…
Can I read the lease agreement before I sign it?
Use this article to discover when and how you'll receive the official lease, and where you can always find its basic template.
Are the rental accommodations on Flatio furnished?
Curious about what Flatio properties need to provide? Complete furnishing is a must! Feel free to see the additional details below.
Can I contact the host before I make a booking request?
Do you have any additional questions about the property or would you like to ask the host something else? See how you can contact them!
Can I personally visit the chosen accommodation before moving in?
Would you like to visit the property before making an official decision about booking it? Find out how this works on Flatio!
How many people can move into an accommodation?
Wondering where you can find the accommodation's limitation regarding the maximum number of guests? See our guidance below!
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How do I know if the selected rental accommodation is available?
Not sure if your chosen property is available within the period you need? In this article, you can learn how to find out!
What is included in the rental price?
Wish to know what's included in the rental prices on Flatio? All the crucial expenses! Use this article to learn all the details.
Does the rental price change according to the length of the lease?
Wondering if you'll get a discount for a longer stay? Well, it's possible! See what it depends on and how you can get the best possible price.…
Do I have to pay a deposit or any additional fees on Flatio?
How does Flatio's no-deposit policy work, and why are there some listings requiring a refundable deposit? Find out below!
How to proceed if the host is entitled to a (refundable) deposit according to his Flatio settings?
In this article, you can learn all about the processes if your host requires a refundable deposit - incl. its payment, due date, and refund.
What if I find out when I move in that the accommodation doesn't match the description?
Are you worried about moving into a property that's not as described on Flatio? Read about our protections and quick solutions!
How can I contact Flatio?
This article will tell you about the basic ways how to contact Flatio's Support team, and directly guide you on the possible options.
Have there been any scammers on Flatio? How to recognize them and deal with them?
See our practices for avoiding scammer hosts within or outside Flatio, how to recognize them, and what can be done when you suspect a…