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Help Center Guide for landlords How to start advertising on Flatio Guide to listing a property on Flatio
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Guide to listing a property on Flatio

The article was updated on 1. 5. 2024.

Not sure how to start advertising on Flatio? See our simple guide that will lead you through the whole onboarding process!

Are you ready to list your property on Flatio for free? Here's the link where you can start: https://www.flatio.com/for-landlords.

The first step is to state what type of property you want to list, in what country it's located, and then enter your contact information where we can reach you if necessary. Please note that you can list whole apartments/houses, or even private rooms. However, renting out a separate bed in a shared room isn't possible on Flatio at this moment.

Let's now take a look at the steps to list a whole property, i.e. apartment or a house. Listing a separate room is only slightly different, but most information is identical.

Creating a listing

On this page, enter the basic information about your property (its type and the country it’s located in) and fill in your contact information. When you click the "List your property for free" button, you'll be taken to a simple onboarding process.

Your property listing

In this section you'll fill in all the important information you need to create your listing. Don’t worry about details, later on you will be able to edit everything in Flatio’s My Rentals application. Your profile in this web app will be created upon the last step which consists of a password creation, and afterwards you’ll be fully onboard with the possibility to easily manage not only your property listings, but also all reservations, tenants, payments, etc.

  • Capacity - Please enter the maximum number of tenants you are able to accommodate in the stated property.
  • Description - The title of your listing should be something that sums up the most positive aspects of your property. Is your living room always flooded with sunlight? Mention it! Are there any unique or historic buildings nearby? Don't be afraid to include it! The rest of the description should then describe what else a tenant will find in the property or in the nearby surroundings. We think this is an important part of your listing, so there's a separate guide to filling it out, which you can find here
    And don’t worry, if you’re not in the mood to write a masterpiece on the spot, you can access this section and add your title and description later from the My Rentals app.
  • Photos - You can upload photos of your property now. If you don't have them ready yet, you can skip this step and add them later in My Rentals. Please keep in mind that photos of your property are the main thing the potential tenants look at, as they are one of the main reasons why someone interested in your property will continue and read the other details. That's why it's important that you upload high-quality and high-resolution photos. And please keep in mind that they must always represent the current state of your property!
  • Price and availability - The price and available dates of your property are as important as photos for attracting potential tenants. To simplify the selection of these things, in this step, we've included only the basic settings for price and availability. At this moment, please select the date from which you are free to accommodate your first tenant(s), and enter the default basic price per month. Remember that the price must include all utilities and other fees, including a commission fee, as this is the final price the tenants will pay. Later, you will be able to also access advanced pricing and availability options in the My Rentals web application.

Information about you

To successfully create your profile, we also need some information about you. 

  • Contact and permissions - In this step, please review if the previously provided contact information is indeed correct. We promise that this information won't be misused. We will use it to get in touch with you if necessary, and you'll also receive notifications about new reservations and other important information throughout our cooperation.
    Afterwards, it’s necessary to agree to personal data processing and our general terms and conditions. You have the right to read all about it in the provided links. You can also choose to receive our monthly marketing newsletter, which can come in handy to you while renting out via Flatio.
  • About you - Please enter your first and last name. (We won’t share this information with any tenant until there is an officially signed and valid lease agreement between you two.) Afterwards, introduce yourself a little bit to your potential tenants - you can mention your renting experiences, hobbies, or whatever comes to mind. Tenants often prefer to know who they’re dealing with, so this part can also help you get more bookings.
  • Password - The final step in creating your user profile in our My Rentals app is to set a strong password. Choose your password carefully - we recommend that it contains both upper and lower case letters, as well as numbers and special characters (the password strength indicator will help you with this). 

Afterwards, your profile will be created!

If you are worried about missing a step in the process, don’t be! If any of your information is missing, Flatio Customer Care team will contact you and you can adjust the listing through the My Rentals web app.

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