How does the price synchronization via a channel manager work? - Flatio
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How does the price synchronization via a channel manager work?

The article was updated on 22. 4. 2024.

Wish to synchronize your rental prices set on Smily (formerly BookingSync) or ICNEA? See this guide on how it can be managed!

If you’re using a channel manager to manage your rental listings, you can easily import those rental prices into Flatio instead of entering them manually.

Please note that at this moment, we support price synchronization from two channel managers – Smily (formerly BookingSync) and ICNEA. For other channel managers, it’s unfortunately not possible for now.

How to synchronize the prices?

Even if you’ve already connected your channel manager to Flatio, the prices are not synchronized by default. However, you can manually import the prices for all your connected listings at once, or you can choose to do so only for specific listings.

To synchronize the prices, enter the My Rentals app and:

  1. Go to the "My profile" part of your account.
  2. Open the "Integration" section on the left menu.
  3. Click on the detail of the channel manager for which you’d like to adjust the settings.
    1. For bulk settings that will be applied to all your imported listings, click the "Default settings for all listings" button in the top right corner.
    2. To adjust the settings of only some specific listings, click the "Settings" button under the chosen listing.
  4. Check which price types should be imported from the channel manager to Flatio.
  5. Save the changes.

Once the connection is set up, your prices will be synchronized. To view the prices we have received from the given channel manager, go to Listings > Listing detail > Rental prices and duration, where you can open a table with the imported prices.

How are the rents calculated when you also manually set some prices on Flatio?

If you set any of the optional advanced prices on Flatio, they always have a higher priority than the imported ones. This means that if you set up any specific price within the Flatio advanced pricing settings that should be applied to a received booking, it will be used instead of the imported price. If there aren’t any applicable advanced prices set up on Flatio, we will use the imported prices.

For details and specific scenarios on how all prices are applied, visit one of the following articles, depending on which channel manager you use:

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